University of Wyoming MKL Days of Dialogue Community Print Making Workshop

March 25, 2019 | Filed in: Art Progress | No Comments »

The University of Wyoming MKL Days of Dialogue committee approached Wyoming Art Party to see if we would be interested in hosting a Community Tshirt and Print Making Workshop.  They wanted a creative event off campus in a safe space where students and community members could get together to create some great personal art and discuss race dynamics in our community.  Their theme this year was celebrating black women.  After many discussions with the committee, including acknowledging the “noticeable absence”of women artists of color in our community, we decided to carry on.  We have noticed and acknowledged this absence before, and while we have no answers, it has again started this dialogue within our art group, which this event is about- dialogue. Racism is not talked about enough in our community. White people too often are afraid of talking about race- for fear of miss-stepping or offending.   It will never get better if we don’t talk about race openly and honestly.  As white women, we in Wyo Art Party are committed to using our privilege to create a safe space to have this dialogue.  As queer women we also acknowledge that the rights we enjoy today, came about because of the work and sacrifices of queer black woman before us.  TO honor this legacy we, with guidance form the committee, created a series of line images that celebrate black women hairstyles, combined with prints of famous quotes by black women and MLK (selected by the committee).  We ended up loving this project and look forward to work with this group in the future.





Wyoming Art Party Show: Topophilia

July 4, 2017 | Filed in: Art Progress, Art Shows, mixed media | No Comments »

Join the Wyoming Art Party for the opening reception of TOPOPHILIA: A loving reconfiguration of the mythology of our American West through studio practices and collaborative projects.

Definition – Topophilia : is a strong sense of place, which often becomes mixed with a the sense of cultural identity among certain people and a love of certain aspects of such a place.

Drawing inspiration from objects, place and Western identity, artists June Glasson, Meg Thompson and Adrienne Vetter make work both individually and with community-based practices created through the Wyoming Art Party. This show features an archive of objects and documentation from past community projects by W.A.P. alongside a curated selection of the artist’s individual studio work.

The show will run from June 9th to August 23 at the University of Wyoming Visual Art Gallery.

For more information about the Wyoming Art Party see

“WTF Series”; spray paint, reclaimed corrugated tin, wood, barbed wire; 2017; Meg Thompson



Cowgirl Yarn

November 11, 2015 | Filed in: Art Progress | No Comments »

This fall I finished a very fun commission for a great knitting store, Cowgirl Yarn, in downtown Laramie.  “Cowgirl Yarn”, 24″ ball of reclaimed barbed wire, knitting and crochet needles made from maple; 2015; Meg Thompson.


Cowgirl Yarn

  Cowgirl Yarn

Rolling barbed wire tight



November 11, 2015 | Filed in: Art Progress | No Comments »
HumaNature Logo

HumaNature Logo


I was thrilled to team up with fellow artist and graphic designer Adrienne Vetter to create the art for the fabulous new podcast produced by Wyoming Public Media: HumaNature.




Prairie Installations

July 29, 2015 | Filed in: Art Progress | No Comments »

I recently got back to my series of prairie installations.  Here are a few shots:

Rising From the Prairie

Rising From the Prairie

One Nation, Indivisible

One Nation, Indivisible

One Nation, Indivisible

One Nation, Indivisible


Wyoming Art Party Opening!

August 24, 2014 | Filed in: Art Shows | No Comments »

The Wyoming Art Party inaugural opening this Friday was a huge success!  Thanks everyone for coming out to see the great art and mingle with our community!   We received lots of positive feedback.  Thanks to my partner in crime on this project, June Glasson, for her tireless work and enthusiasm (and patience!).  And a special Thanks to Wyoming Arts Council, the Pedal House, Flores painting, and all the artists that participated!  For more information find us on Facebook or check out our website:

Thanks to NPR Open Spaces for doing a great story on it:

If you missed the opening, never fear, we will are open all month and will have a closing parry.  See info below:





The Wyoming Art Party is pleased to present a collaborative art project and exhibit featuring the work of 38 Wyoming artists, writers and craft folk. The show “A Portrait of Wyoming” will be exhibited in Laramie from Friday August 22, 2014 – Friday September 19, 2014 at 207 South 1st Street (above the Pedal House bike shop.)The Wyoming Art Party is an organization started by two local Laramie artists, June Glasson and Meg Thompson, whose mission is to organize art projects and shows that connect individuals, scattered throughout Wyoming, who work in different regions, disciplines (fine arts, writing, music, craft) and from different backgrounds, with the aim of creating work that truly represents art in Wyoming as it is, rather than it is thought to be.

Opening Reception: Friday August 22nd, 5 – 8pm
Closing Reception: Friday, September 19th, 5- 8pm
Gallery hours: Thursday / Friday / Saturday from 2pm – 7pm or by appointment